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Reduce Fleet Expenses Without Additional Cost

How Much Can We Save You?

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How Much Does it Cost to Keep Your Fleet Running Safely and Efficiently?

Fuel, labor, maintenance, equipment, down time

A lot weighs into the expense of managing a fleet on a budget. The pressure constantly being asked to reduce costs but having no where to cut can be overwhelming.

What if we started with just your tires? What difference would it make?

The savings associated with FTS managed tire pressure services is an impressive 125%. We come to you, on site, to perform monthly nitrogen tire filling, maintenance, data collection and analysis. And the difference it makes is huge.

FTS graphic

The Truth Is In the Numbers.

FTS mobile nitrogen tire inflation services can change your bottom line and improve operations significantly.

6,000 Minutes

An 80 hour week + 20 hours overtime — that’s how much time is required to maintain the tires of a fleet of 100 buses.

300% Safer

Underinflated tires are 3x more likely to be involved in an accident, according to NHTSA.

125% Savings

Tires that are properly inflated pay for themselves in reduced wear, improved gas mileage and reduced personnel hours.

40 Gallons +

In a FTS bus study, we discovered we can save one bus 47 gallons in fuel economy.

Top Line Tire Maintenance Improves the Bottom Line

Your team has a lot to do and not enough time to do it. Manufacturer and industry recommended levels of maintenance are often replaced by simplified inspection and care. FTS takes care of the specifics so your team can focus their attention on major mechanical issues. There is a clear difference in the FTS details.

NOT Properly Performing Monthly Tire Maintenance

Nitrogen Inflation + Properly Performing Monthly Tire Maintenance

Find Out How Your Fleet Can Save Time & Money Right Now

Too often, FTS arrives on site to find buses regularly operating at over 35% underinflation, risking lives and wasting money on tire expenses, man hours and gas mileage. It all adds up.

Let FTS provide you with an on site Fleet Analysis to see how your fleet performs and learn more about how FTS on site service can improve your fleet’s safety and efficiency.


Predictive Fleet Maintenance with Consistent, Quality Data

Our proprietary mobile nitrogen tire inflation service vehicles provide you with consistent data and reporting to accurately and efficiently refine budgeting.

Get Your Own Fleet Tire Efficiency Analysis today

School Bus Tire Status Diagram

Vehicle Tire Life Map

Shows the on-vehicle tire inventory and expected tire replacement date. Eliminates premature replacement costs and promotes predictive replacement scheduling.

Tire Life Heat Map

Tire Life Heat Map

Shows tire life by vehicle, by tire position, for the entire fleet. Allows maintenance team to focus on near-team problem areas with confidence that the rest of the fleet is in good shape.

FTS MPG Improvement Chart

FTS MPG Improvement Chart

Through our proprietary tire management solution, we also track MPG improvement from our service, which provides a window into efficient bus operations.


USDOE – Vehicle Technologies Program – Gas Saving Tips

Mar 19, 2020
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, drivers can improve their fuel economy by approximately 10 percent if they make these minor adjustments to their driving habits, maintenance routine, and lifestyle changes. Read more. Read More →

NSTA Impact of High Gas

Feb 19, 2020
Rising gas prices disproportionately affect private school bus contractors—85 percent of whom qualify as small businesses. In this 2007 official testimony submitted by the National School Transportation Association (NSTA) to the U.S. Senate Select Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, the Association outlines proposed relief measures. Read more here. Read More →

Swenson paper on fuel economy

Jan 19, 2020
Concerning CO2 reduction strategies for the state of California, this academic paper suggests accurate tire inflation can have a measurable impact on reducing these overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, an important goal in combating global warming. Read more. Read More →